Month: May 2020

Russia, Russia, Russia!

This week, I went down a Russian rabbit hole. My tongue-in-cheek theme “Russia, Russia, Russia!” (with Jan Brady voice intended…!), reminded me of how my first exposure to Russian music wasn’t through hearing symphonies or ballets with an orchestra alone, but, like so many other things in my early...

Pax Americana

This week, for some reason, I started thinking about early American music. Being a born and bred Bostonian, I have long explored the music of the New England colonial period – remind me to tell you sometime about seeing the re-enactment of the Battles of Lexington and Concord for...

Vive La France!

It’s spring and I’ve been dreaming of a trip to France! Yes, I know this playlist is hitting on Cinco de Mayo – but, I’m in a mood for Paris…so, off we go! We start out with a really cool piece by Guillaume de Machaut, perhaps the greatest composer...